נושאי מחקר במרכז רינג

Reserch Fields at The Ring Center for Environmental Interdesciplinary Reserch (Partial list)

Development of Environmental Databases

Climate Change: Developing Tools for Environment Monitoring

Climate Change: Impact on Water Resources and Socio-Economic Responses

Human Health and Air Pollution

Middle East Cooperation in Environment Research

Sustainable Transportation in the Middle East

Remediation of Soil and Sediment Pollution: Metals and Organic Compounds

Recycling and Use of Polluted and Saline Water

Isotopes in Environmental Research

Earthquake Research

Management of Shared Groundwater Resources

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Environmental Issues

Reduction of Pesticide and Herbicide Use

Marine and Coastal Degradation


Biodiversity: Patterns of Change in the Fauna and Flora in Response to Climate Change

Microbial Biodiversity

Oxidative Stress: Responses and Protection